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October 17, 2020

“Be All In” Campaign Rocks (Pandemic) Year One

An update on Beloit’s five-year, $50 million fundraising campaign.

“Be All In,” Beloit’s five-year, $50-million fundraising campaign, launched weeks before COVID-19 emerged as a global pandemic; it was certainly not how the college anticipated the campaign’s debut. Yet Beloiters have shown incredible support through the challenges presented by the pandemic, helping create the success story of Year One fundraising.

As the campaign enters Year Two, it will ensure a robust future for Beloit College by raising operating dollars to support enrollment, high retention, access to all, and student experiences. The goal includes an average of $10 million each year for financial aid and career programs and investments in student success and enrollment/retention.

Learn more about the campaign and make a gift.

Be All In: The Campaign for Beloit College

Thank you to all those who made Year One a success! We are resilient. We are All In. We are Beloiters.

Thank you for continuing to make a Beloit College education possible, even in these hard times. My daughter is a proud 2016 Beloit graduate and I am a proud Beloit parent. Beloit supported us when we needed it and I will always support the college.

— Rick Kehne P16

Good News to Share

  • The Be All In Campaign raised $5.1 million in (Pandemic) Year One, 10% of the campaign’s goal.
  • 2019-2020 fiscal year giving totaled $14.1 million. 13.53% of alumni gave, supported by 100% participation from the Board of Trustees, senior staff, and Development & Alumni staff. The national average for giving participation is 11.8% according to U.S. News in 2018.
  • Giving Day on April 22, 2020 broke records with $523,000 raised.
  • The Back at Beloit Extraordinary Campaign raised $120,582 in the fall of 2020.
  • 2020-2021 fiscal year giving totals $1.12 million since July 1, 2020.

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